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icona Ecclesiae Venetae Historical Archives of the Church in the Veneto

icona Inquisition Census of the Archives of the Inquisition in Italy

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Ecclesiae Venetae

Thanks to an innovatory project accomplished in agreement among the six Dioceses of Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Treviso, Vittorio Veneto, the la Direzione generale per gli archivi (General Directorate for Archives) of the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali (Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities), and the Veneto Regional Administration – and supported by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation through the Save Venice Inc. Committee in New York, the documentation of the historical archives of the six Venetian Churches has been preserved, included in a census and inventoried. The project led to the accomplishment of several finding aids, for a total of about 67.000 record, still increasing.

The archives involved build up a coordinated whole of the archival net of the six Venetian Dioceses - Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Treviso, Vittorio Veneto – accessible both as an inclusive unitary data base and by single access to the data base of each diocese. All the fonds are divided in three levels and accessible on line to the archival units and sub-units.
Further development of the project – that is intended to treat documents, beside exceptions, until around the first half of 900’s – will be the increasing of the system with new data about creators, the type of documents and other additional information, as well as the possibility of future interactivity with archival nets as those of the Veneto Region and the Conferenza episcopale italiana (Italian Episcopal Conference).

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