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Guided search

The ARCA system within SIUSA offers an opportunity to describe, consult and search:

archives (complessi archivistici), including compound archives broken down into their constituent elements.
Consultation can be initiated via two optional guided search systems:
  • through a list of archival collections (lista dei fondi)i broken down into their constituent elements, i.e. sets of documents identifiable as groups of archives, archives or sections of archives;
  • through a general list of archival materials (lista generale dei complessi), comprising archival units of all levels: from compound archives, to archives, to sections, series, sub-series and so on, according to the organizational structure of the archives concerned;
  • archival units and sub-units: hese can be reached through the general entry for the archive concerned. Search facilities for units and sub-units will be developed in later stages of the project: access is currently possible only via the Arcana software.
Search command will produce lists comprising the name of the archive, followed by dates and, in brackets, the name of the body currently conserving the documents. Where an ikon is present, it will enable a window to be opened that will show the position of the archive in the overall hierarchical context. A more sophisticated search can be conducted via a special search engine.

Searches can also be carried out starting from specific documentary typologies (tipologie documentarie)(pastoral visits, baptismal registers ...), leading from a brief general description to descriptions of the related archives present in the information system.

bodies that have produced (soggetti produttori)archival documentation.
Consultation can be initiated via three optional guided search systems:
  • organizations and institutions (enti)(of various giuridical status and nature, such as diocesan curiae, chapters, seminaries, parishes, confraternities and associations);
  • families (famiglie)
  • individuals (persone)(ecclesiastics or lay people)
Effective searches can also be conducted starting from:
  • the historical-institutional contexts (contesti storico-istituzionali)within which the archives were produced
  • general institutional profiles (profili istituzionali) containing information which is common to similar archive-producing bodies (e.g. diocesan curiae, seminaries, parishes .): from these it is possible to access the various archives present in the information system
  • the territorial contexts (ambiti territoriali where the archive-producing bodies operated
  • the bodies currently conserving the archives concerned (soggetti conservatori) .
The search command generates a list of archives that reflects their organization within the specific archival information system.

For detailed instructions concerning search and visualization procedures please click on aiuto on line.

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