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Guided search

SIUSA allows you to search through:

fonds, creators and custodians.

As fonds is intended as the whole of the documents organically created or accumulated, in a multi-level structure (complex of fonds, fonds, series, sub-series). There are two options of guided search:
  • list of fonds, concerning whole of documents identified as complex of fonds, fonds or collections;
  • general list of fonds, concerning archival fonds of any level: starting from the complex of fonds and fonds or collections, to possible parts, as series, sub-series and so on, according to the existing degrees of the archival structure.
With the option finding aids it is possible to see the alphabetical list of all the inventories and guides mentioned in the files of the data sets.

The creators are person that creates, accumulated, preserved and used the described archival records.
You can search through three guided options: persons.

The custodians are those public or private bodies, persons or families taking the responsibility for the care of the documents based on their physical possession and that make them available.
You can search through various options of guided search:
  • General index;
  • Type.

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