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icona Ecclesiae Venetae Historical Archives of the Church in the Veneto

icona Inquisition Census of the Archives of the Inquisition in Italy

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The fonds described in the archival net of the six Venetian dioceses of Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Treviso, Vittorio Veneto represents the history and the juridical profile of the ecclesiastical bodies of the single churches, of their associations, or of the individuals who produced the documents: all is described together with the general description of the different types of documents and other additional information - in the existing records or in continuously update ones.

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Venice

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Padua

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Treviso

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Verona

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Vicenza

icona Historical archives of Diocese of Vittorio Veneto

Together with the archives of the Curia you can find, sometimes in the archive of diocese itself, sometimes in other seat, the fonds of the Mensa vescovile (the revenues of the bishop), of the Chapters and of the Seminars. It is notable the presence of the parish archives, with their confraternities, that are the target of the project in this very moment. There are also personal papers of individual priests or laymen.

They are, consequently, a number of different archives that clearly seem joined together by the link with the local church, of whose history they are witnesses. There are evident traces, for instance, in the way in which the archives of the parish churches, concentrated in particular moments, join, in different way, those of parish churches kept and enlarged; in the joining of the archives of the vestry boards of 800’s and 900’s, increased also with the ancient documents of properties included in the archive of the church; in the small archives of lay confraternities, more or less old, of mutual help associations, of educational and assistant initiatives; in the riche sources for cultural history, history of education, history of scholarship and science, as they are testified in the sources kept in the Seminars . The diocese level of the archives is an input for an horizontal approach to the recurring series, paying attention, for instance, to the date of beginning or to the draft of some crucial record (such as the pastoral visits or the series of parish canonical books) offering new possibilities of research on the culture, the writing skills and the pastoral afflatus o bishops an parish priests taking care of souls.
It is therefore a variety of memories that is offered by the different ecclesiastical archives in the area of a diocese: sources for the history of the Venetian churches as well as for the largest social and cultural history.

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